The perfect basis for your automation: SICK Sensors

SICK provides sensors and application solutions that create the perfect basis for controlling processes securely and efficiently, protecting individuals from accidents, and preventing damage to the environment. From factory automation to logistics and process automation, SICK is one of the leading sensor and technology market manufacturers.

As an innovation leader on the vanguard of developing cutting-edge sensor technology, SICK offers solutions today that are ready for the challenges of the future – with intelligent sensors that collect data, evaluate it in real time, adapt to their environment, and communicate in the network

SICK have one primary objective – to make life easier for customers by helping them to manage complex issues. In doing so, we offer customers benefits that competitors struggle to provide, such as greater productivity, increased flexibility, or more efficient use of resources.

Featured Products


  • BluePilot: Optical alignment aid, adjustment of the sensing range via Teach-Turn adjustment with optical sensing range indicator or via IO-Link
  • PinPoint LED: Light-intensive red sender LED
  • Smart Sensor: Enhanced Sensing, IO-Link, Diagnostics, Smart Tasks

KTS Contrast Sensor for reliable detection

  • TwinEye-Technology for increased depth of field/sensing distance tolerance
  • Large dynamic range for reliable detection of contrasts on glossy materials
  • Mounting position feedback for reliable operation
  • Colour mode and IO-Link communication
  • 50 kHz switching frequency and 5 μs jitter

KTS: The new era of contrast sensors from SICK

KTS incorporates more than just the reliability and availability of contrast sensors from the technology leader. We go further: TwinEye-Technology®, multifunctional display, colour detection, individual setting options. The advantages? Significantly higher performance!

ReLy3: The economic standard for industry

The SICK compact ReLy Safety Relays monitor ESPE's and Switches up to PLe/SIL3. Fast and flexible with versatile diagnostics.

LiDAR sensor for area monitoring

TiM100 is a small, simple, cost-effective 2D LiDAR laser scanner for a wide variety of indoor area-monitoring applications.

SICK Rotary Encoders (DFS60)

Versatile, compact and flexible: our incremental encoders generate information about position, angle, and rotation counts.

IME Inductive Proximity Sensors

SICK’s inductive sensors offer precise detection, less downtime and a long service life. The IME sensors pack high technology into the smallest of spaces.

DesignSpark is the home of our engineering community. It's an online platform which allows passionate engineers to share ideas and find resources or tools to help with their projects. 
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