Omron Corporation (Established in 1933 with headquarters in Kyoto) is a global manufacturer of process automation, electronic and healthcare products. Omron can provide complete solutions to automate every kind of process; from sensors and control systems to drives and robots.

The company's strategic direction is delivered by President Yoshihito Yamada along with its 37,000 employees. Last year the company achieved a turnover of 5.4 billion Euro and is listed in Thomson Reuters Top 100 Global innovators.

For over 30 years, Omron has consistently met the requirements and demands of the Global market by achieving an average annual growth of more than 11 percent over the last 10 years.

Active across 36 countries Omron has offices located in Japan (Kyoto), Asia Pacific (Singapore), China (Hong Kong), Europe (Amsterdam) and US (Chicago). The companies European offices consist of manufacturing and development facilities, with local customer service in all European countries.

Omron invests heavily in research and development with over 11,000 patents to the company's name, plus 1,200 employees dedicated to on-going product research and development.

RS and Omron work together to bring the latest and most innovative products to market, key areas include: programmable logic controllers (PLC's), motor drives, sensing technologies, machine safety, temperature control, relays, power supplies and many others.


Building A, Campus SixStevenageHertfordshireSG1 2XDUnited KingdomTel: +(44) 01438758800 Web: 

OMRON - Complete solution to automate every kind of process

Omron and RS bringing the latest and most innovative products to market, from programmable logic controllers (PLC's) to inverter drives, from sensing technologies to machine safety, from temperature control to relays, power supplies and much more

Featured Products

Sensors & Transducers

  • Photoelectric Sensors
  • Inductive Sensors
  • Safety Light curtains
  • Rotary Encoders

Temperature Control

  • Humidity control
  • Pressure control
  • Flow rate control


  • Easy to integrate with HMIs via a single cable
  • Easy connection for programing via USB cables
  • Built in PID control and PWM output
  • Built in RS232

Resources Centre


New Value for Electrical Control Panel


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