Specialising in industrial interconnect products, HARTING has been operating since 1945, and are well known for their Han Connector range. High-performance and high quality are the cornerstone of HARTING’s product offering, stretching across numerous industry segments and encompassing a wide range of technologies including; connectors, device connection technology and network components as well as backplanes, enclosures and cable assemblies, HARTING is well positioned to provide you with a solution. HARTING offers a wide range of communication solutions for Industry 4.0, including RFID and the MICA modular industry computer. These market-leading products enable solutions for data, signal and power connection across an array of markets, such as automation technology, energy, transport technology, radio, stage and event management technology, machine construction, medical technology and infrastructure. |
Cut Installation Time By Up To 50%The Han® ES Press Connector Series provides tool-less rapid termination technology for quick assembly, fully compatible with Han E®, Han ES® and Han ESS® Series. |
Featured ProductsHa-Vis preLink® Ethernet Cabling System
har-flex® PCB Connector Series
M12 B-Coded & L-Coded Connectors
Resource CentreVideosInternet of Things: Understanding the link between Industry 4.0 and the connected world with HARTINGGuides |
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