ABB, leaders in control, protection and installation products

ABB is a pioneering technology leader in Control, Protection, Installation, Industrial automation and Robotics, serving customers in Process Industries, Building Services, Data centers, Smart Buildings, Utilities, Transport and Infrastructure globally. Today ABB is writing the future of Industrial digitization and e-mobility to contribute to a sustainable future.

Featured Products

    ABB Drives in the 150, 310, 355 and 480 families

  • ABB Drives are made with ease of set up in mind to give your business efficiency and performance to optimise process , control and give reliability for less downtime .
  • The four drives families available allow you to choose which level of functionality you need for any application.
  • ABB Drives are a globally recognised and trusted range with certifications and approvals to cover the global market and applications.

ABB JOKAB Machine Safety

  • Up to PL e/SIL3
  • Powerful outputs, up to 6A
  • Simple expansion of Pluto safe transistor outputs (BSR models)
  • Manual or automatic reset selectable by switch on front (SSR models)
  • Advanced timer functions (TSR10 and USR models)

View all Machine Safety products using the link

Machine safety products to cover the safety process including: Fencing systems, Safety Switches, PLC's, Light Curtains, 2 Hand Devices, Process Locks, Push Button Boxes, Safety Control Devices, Safety Locks, Control modules, Emergency stops, Safety Contactors.

ABB IEC Low Voltage Foot and Flange Motors

ABB range of low voltage AC induction motors suitable for all industries & applications which fulfil all international and national efficiency regulations.

ABB Enclosures in Plastic, Steel & SS Steel

From adapatable boxes, wall-mounted or standing enclosures in plastic, steel & stainless steel to cover both distribution and control applications.

DesignSpark is the home of our engineering community. It's an online platform which allows passionate engineers to share ideas and find resources or tools to help with their projects. 
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